Do you know which dangers await when using the internet?

Cyber security is of increasing importance for maritime industries. Technological developments are happening faster than ever before, posing new threats to the industries. Complete this course in maritime cyber security awareness in order to ensure safe operations!

By completing the course one learns about the threats the networks face, the dangers of security breaches and how to avoid them, as well as what effect these breaches can have on both the company and ones own network security. Give you and your employees the knowledge needed to keep the network secure!

The course is based on the IMO’s requirements for the implementation of procedures for managing cyber risk in the companies’ security management system (section 1.2.2 of the ISM Code).

The course is for all personnel related to organizations that acts according to regulations from IMO. Upon passing the course, a course certificate is issued.

Foto: Philipp Katzenberger / Unsplash