Ammonia as refrigerant on board fishing vessels with freezing plants

The purpose of this course is to give the crew on board fishing vessels a general introduction to ammonia and how to handle it safely and securely. This will make them well prepared in case of an unwanted incident involving ammonia. Among other things, you learn about the way ammonia works, entering of confined spaces, first aid for various types of exposure and measures in the event of accidental releases and fires. This course is offered as eLearning and has been developed in collaboration with Teknotherm.

We also offer practical exercises on board vessels involving practicing on a potential ammonia leakage. Disciplines such as safety, communication, interaction, protective equipment and first aid are included in the exercises.

If the vessel is insured by Granne (formerly Møretrygd), the costs for the practical day on board will be covered. One will also receive a discount on the eLearning course.

We provide this course in both Norwegian and English.

Photo: ASK eLearning